Red Sky, Jack, Zopa, Victoria & Michael Imperioli
Mister Sister, Jordan, World Domination Pictures
Laff in The Dark, Trans Am Jane, Peter McGennis
Fourteen, Fourteen, Paraddox Productions
Pickings, Finch, Digital Magic Entertainment
The Sky is Blue With Lies, Po, Reed Productions
Good After Bad, Wink, Paradigm Shift Films
My All American, Protestor #2, Anthem Productions
Rock Me, Xander, Rabbit Foot
Gotham #4.12, Tweaker #3, Warner Bros. Television
Suburban Humor, Principal, Zack Seckler
Axe Online Special, Principal, NYMFW
God, Hepatitis, Phone Home Rep
Company, David, LIPA, Michael Howcroft
August: Osage County, Little Charles, LIPA, Gillian Lemon
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Francis, LIPA, Stephen C. Buckwald
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Bottom, LIPA, Simon Hedger
Cabaret, Emcee, Royal Court Players
Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts – BA (hons) Acting
Master Class, Paul McCartney, ‘In Conversation’
Master Class, Jo Blowers, ‘Jacques Lecoq’
Workshop, Nick Phillips, Grotowski: Three Day Intensive
Master Class, Nickolas Grace, ‘Shakespeare Workshop’
Master Class, Sally Rapier, ‘Laban Movement Analysis’
Master Class, Leigh Kilton-Smith, ‘Coaching and Casting’
Guitar, Improvisation (sketch, short form, long form), Piano, Singing (Classical, Country, Jazz, Pop, Rock), Yoga